Et værktøj til sporing af farlige produkter online på tværs af EU.
Lone Saaby
”SAFE skal gøre søgning efter farlige produkter på tværs af Europa enklere og sikrere.
Et samarbejde 16 lande imellem med brug af datadeling og kunstig intelligens kan bidrage betragteligt til at myndighederne kan højne produktsikkerheden for forbrugerne.
Jeg er rigtig stolt over, at de værktøjer, vi udvikler i Sikkerhedsstyrelsen, kommer så mange mennesker til gavn”.
Tuiri Kerttula
“It has been inspiring to work with this project and to be in the frontline of developing new technology for market surveillance.
SAFE is a new benchmark of digital surveillance tools. When fully deployed, we are expecting to save resources and find dangerous products from the market faster and more efficiently.
This project has indeed showcased the importance of cooperation of multiple member states when finding solutions of tomorrow.”
Kaur Kajak
"One of the main priorities for our Authority is to ensure the safety of citizens. A big part in that is product safety.
We are looking eagerly to the launch of SAFE. Our work will be more efficient, and our officials can concentrate on the important task at hand.
Let SAFE to the tiresome web searches and keep us informed when dangerous products are found on sale.“